Liability Issues

April4/00.. Larrie & Geoff

We must be careful about liability issues. There are virtually no time limits on product liability. As you have heard, product liability lawsuits are ever-increasing--particularly in the US, but also in Canada.

For us to assume the potential consequences, especially in someone else's package, would be foolish. (This came up with PLH Aviation's purchase order terms and conditions--see Read the Fine Print)

As it is, we sell to sawmill manufacturers. for example, who have few if any assets. We need to be careful that we don't get caught in the crossfire of some real or trumped up law suit.

From an internal standpoint, we need to be sure that when we sell an item, like a loose engine, that it is always supplied with the factory guards etc.

So far, I think we've been both careful and possibly lucky, in avoiding any liability suits. I

We have to be sure that no engine or gen set ever leaves here without the owner's manuals. These have the operating and maintenance safety information included. Clearly, we would be negligent if the manuals are not included with the shipment and someone is injured by ignorance of proper procedure. (I know that nobody reads the manuals but at least they have been given the opportunity to do so.)